Source: core/drawing/engine/canvas/canvasCircle.js

 * @fileoverview Canvas rendering class representing a circle.
 * @private



 * Canvas rendering class representing a circle.
 * @param {xrx.canvas.Canvas} element The parent canvas object.
 * @constructor
 * @extends xrx.canvas.Stylable
 * @private
xrx.canvas.Circle = function(canvas) {

  goog.base(this, canvas);
goog.inherits(xrx.canvas.Circle, xrx.canvas.Stylable);

 * Draws the circle on the canvas.
 * @param {number} cx X-coordinate of the circle's center point.
 * @param {number} cy Y-coordinate of the circle's center point.
 * @param {number} r Radius of the circle.
 * @param {string} fillColor The fill color.
 * @param {number} fillOpacity Opacity of the fill color.
 * @param {string} strokeColor The stroke color.
 * @param {number} strokeWidth The stroke width.
xrx.canvas.Circle.prototype.draw = function(cx, cy, r, fillColor,
    fillOpacity, strokeColor, strokeWidth) {
  this.context_.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  this.strokeAndFill_(fillColor, fillOpacity, strokeColor, strokeWidth);

 * Creates a new circle.
 * @param {xrx.canvas.Canvas} canvas The parent canvas object.
xrx.canvas.Circle.create = function(canvas) {
  return new xrx.canvas.Circle(canvas);

xrx.canvas.Circle.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
  goog.base(this, 'disposeInternal');