* @fileoverview Namespace for the VML rendering engine.
* Namespace for the VML rendering engine. Also a
* a static class providing utility functions.
* @constructor
* @namespace xrx.vml
* @memberof xrx
xrx.vml = function() {};
* Whether the browser already has VML rendering enabled.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
xrx.vml.browserEnabled = false;
* Initialize the browser for VML rendering.
* @private
xrx.vml.initVmlRendering = function() {
if (xrx.vml.browserEnabled) return;
goog.style.installStyles('.xrx-vml{behavior:url(#default#VML);' +
xrx.vml.browserEnabled = true;
xrx.vml.createFillAndCo = function(element) {
var fill = document.createElement('xrxvml:fill');
var stroke = document.createElement('xrxvml:stroke');
var skew = document.createElement('xrxvml:skew');
fill.setAttribute('class', 'xrx-vml');
stroke.setAttribute('class', 'xrx-vml');
skew.setAttribute('class', 'xrx-vml');
goog.dom.appendChild(element, fill);
goog.dom.appendChild(element, stroke);
goog.dom.appendChild(element, skew);
* Creates a new VML element including fill, stroke and skew.
* @param {string} tagName The tag name of the HTML element.
* @param {boolean} opt_fillAndCo Whether to append fill, stroke and
* skew element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The HTML element.
* @private
xrx.vml.createElement = function(tagName, opt_fillAndCo) {
var element;
!document.namespaces.xrxvml &&
document.namespaces.add('xrxvml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml');
element = document.createElement('xrxvml:' + tagName);
element.setAttribute('class', 'xrx-vml');
if (opt_fillAndCo !== false) xrx.vml.createFillAndCo(element);
return element;
xrx.vml.setPath = function(element, coords, close) {
var str = 'm ';
for (var i = 0, len = coords.length; i < len; i++) {
str += coords[i][0] + ',' + coords[i][1];
if (i !== 0 && i !== len - 1) str += ', '
if (i === 0) str += ' l ';
if (close) str += ' x ';
str += ' e';
element['path'] = str;