Source: core/drawing/engine/vml/vmlStylable.js

 * @fileoverview VML class representing a stylable element.
 * @private



 * VML class representing a stylable element.
 * @param
 * @constructor
 * @extends {xrx.vml.Element}
 * @private
xrx.vml.Stylable = function(element) {

  goog.base(this, element);

  var children = goog.dom.getChildren(element);

  this.fill_ = children[0];

  this.stroke_ = children[1];

  this.skew_ = children[2];
goog.inherits(xrx.vml.Stylable, xrx.vml.Element);

 * @private
xrx.vml.Stylable.prototype.strokeAndFill_ = function(fillColor,
    fillOpacity, strokeColor, strokeWidth) {
  if (fillColor !== undefined) this.setFillColor(fillColor);
  if (fillOpacity !== undefined) this.setFillOpacity(fillOpacity);
  if (strokeColor !== undefined) this.setStrokeColor(strokeColor);
  if (strokeWidth !== undefined) this.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth);

 * Sets the stroke width of the stylable element.
 * @param {number} width The stroke width.
xrx.vml.Stylable.prototype.setStrokeWidth = function(width) {
  this.stroke_['weight'] = '' + width;

 * Sets the stroke color of the stylable element.
 * @param {string} color The stroke color.
xrx.vml.Stylable.prototype.setStrokeColor = function(color) {
  this.stroke_['color'] = '' + color;

 * Sets the fill color of the stylable element.
 * @param {string} color The fill color.
xrx.vml.Stylable.prototype.setFillColor = function(color) {
  this.fill_['color'] = '' + color;

 * Sets the fill opacity of the stylable element.
 * @param {number} factor The fill opacity.
xrx.vml.Stylable.prototype.setFillOpacity = function(factor) {
  this.fill_['opacity'] = '' + factor;